Hope isn’t a business strategy. As an entrepreneur, your success isn’t guaranteed. Unfortunately, far too many people cheat themselves out of success by taking chances with their time, money and opportunities. They do this by patching together a series of […]
There’s a certain vulnerability that goes with selling your “self”. Believe me on this one. Not only was I was the poster child for this phenomena when I started my first business, I’ve witnessed this behavior in virtually every client […]
Remember the Wendy’s commercials that ran in the mid- 80s with the three old ladies… and one asking “Where’s the beef?” Besides being entertaining, here’s the brilliance of those commercials that you can apply to your sales conversations.
When I was at THRIVE Business a couple of weeks ago, I played a little game with my wicked smart colleagues, Matthew Goldfarb and Re Perez. Being a brand strategist, Re posed the challenge of summing up, in three words, […]
Do you ever get on such a roll when you’re trying to make your point that you don’t even know what’s coming out of your mouth sometimes?
I was talking about sidewalk traffic with a native New Yorker the other day…because it can be a little crazy at times. People weave all over the sidewalk and it sometimes seems as if there’s absolutely no order AT ALL! […]
Even though you may not realize it, you’re subtly selling every single day in ways that most people wouldn’t consider “salesy”. Yet when it comes to direct sales, you freeze up. Learn to recognize your natural sales abilities, get out […]
Are you tired of spending money on class after class and coach after coach…to still be struggling? Here’s a solution for identifying where to invest your precious dollars and for how to communicate your value when speaking with potential clients.
Think about your audience (aka target market or ideal client) and answer these questions: What pains do they have? What problems do you solve for them? What solutions do you offer to alleviate those pains? What goals might they have? […]
Just an opportunity to vent about a recent “business hack” encounter…and a not-so-subtle reminder to not get lazy in your business.