Life is short and business can be tricky.
Not so long ago, I was in a meeting with about a dozen of my peers and everyone around me was talking about how great things are in their lives and businesses.
When it was my turn to speak I said, “I dare entrepreneurs to live their truth, but I don’t feel like I’m fully living mine.”
You see, I’d spent much of three years working to master the secrets to success in the online world so that I could make millions while I sleep. I had some wins, but never felt like I really connected with people using these tactics because they didn’t feel true to me.
For example, earlier this year I followed a big-name guru’s blueprint for doing a launch and it was a disaster. I didn’t increase enrollments over past launches, and what’s worse is that I burned my relationship with my online community. In fact, my open rates are now HALF of what they were before I followed her advice. (Please forgive me for the error of my ways!) I knew her system didn’t feel right, but promised myself to follow it to the letter because it works for her. BIG mistake.
The truth is that I’m an accelerator. An activator. An artisan.
And I haven’t found an authentic way for those things to translate online. (At least not using other people’s methods.)
The truth is what really feeds me is giving others my full, undivided attention through conversation.
Not copy or complicated email campaigns.
Yes, good old fashioned conversation.
The truth is that I’ll continue to use the internet and email as tools to teach, start conversation and spread the word. But the greatest impact I have on entrepreneurs is listening… really listening to what’s going on and helping you find solutions to your problems.
As an entrepreneur, you must find and live YOUR truth.
Don’t let anyone shoehorn you into doing something that’s “proven” to work if it doesn’t feel true to you.
Here’s the catch…
The critical distinction is knowing the difference between your truth and your fear.
Your truth is what’s deep inside of you. A knowing.
Fear is your ego playing games with you and your truth. It can force you to hide behind excuses.
When you’re resistant to doing something, go deep within yourself to distinguish what’s stopping you. Are you fearful of trying something new? Failure? Success? Looking bad? Or do you have a knowing that’s inside of you… that this action doesn’t support you and your people.
If it’s fear, go take the action. (We’ve all heard the famous quote, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”)
If it’s the knowing, then follow your truth.
The truth is that pure magic happens when I connect through conversation with entrepreneurs because as an activator, accelerator and artisan… I’m able to inspire, motivate and problem-solve in ways that can’t happen in a mass email campaign.
Dare to find and live your truth.
What’s your truth?