Oh, so young!
In my early 20s, my boss struck a deal for me to travel with Anthony Robbins’ team to all of his one-day events.
At first, I was in awe of his sheer size. Inspired by his message of personal power. Intrigued by the groupies.
I watched how Tony’s sales teams sold out his events in 3 different cities every six weeks. Created a frenzy. And did back of the room sales.
The guy clearly had the whole money making thing figured out.
In hindsight, what fascinates me most are the different paths Tony and my boss took after their days of working together selling Jim Rohn seminars in the 70s.
Tony wrote books, created info products and held seminars and retreats all over the world. My boss tried to build a business on one product with low margins without the sales volume to make it profitable.
Tony’s “power move” was to pound his chest. My boss’ “power move” was to rob Peter to pay Paul.
Tony earned millions. My boss was lucky to pay his mortgage two months in a row. Or pay me, for that matter.
When I work with clients today, I now realize how much I draw on what I learned from that experience.
There’s a huge divide between intentionally creating a business model that’s true to you, versus struggling and making things harder than they need to be.
And it’s something every entrepreneur gets to choose for himself. Or herself 🙂
I’ve done it both ways. And in hindsight, I can unequivocally tell you that getting intentional about what I wanted my business to do for ME and MY life has been the difference between my successes and failures.
Lucky us that we have a choice in how we decide to do business!