Have you noticed that the number of digital offers has increased drastically as we head into the holidays?!
I was floored to see that Amazon’s Cyber Monday sale involved unlocking a new offer every 5 minutes. Every. Five. Minutes!
You may have even offered a Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday – or some other variation of an online sale to your community as well.

But as a service based entrepreneur, your value may be less obvious to your prospects than that 55″ TV they KNOW is a bargain at $199.
[ctt title=”Your value may be less obvious to your prospects than a huge flat screen TV they KNOW is a bargain at $199.” tweet=”Your value may be less obvious to your prospects than a huge flat screen TV they KNOW is a bargain at $199 http://ctt.ec/xJa0f+” coverup=”xJa0f”]
Whether you’re selling online or offline – it’s critical to articulate and OWN your Value.
Knowing how to communicate the real value and outcomes you deliver makes the decision so much easier and faster for your prospects.
I’m not talking Features – like “it arrives in a red box with a bow.”
And I’m not talking “lazy” Benefits – like “you’ll be more successful” or “you’ll make more money.”
I’m talking about your true Value – like “you can go crazy on the Christmas cookies without feeling an ounce of guilt and still look fabulous in your bikini on your Fiji vacation!”
When you’re able to articulate your true value, you land more clients in less time.
You’ll spend less time networking at luncheons held in windowless hotel meeting rooms.
And be freed up to join that yoga studio so essential to your health and sanity.
Who’s happy now?
You. Your family. And your clients.
If you need help in this area, I’ll teach you how to articulate your real, unique and true value in just half a day.
I’ll even do it for free.
Belly up for my live true.sales training workshop in NYC on Tuesday, December 8 by requesting your seat using the link below!
You’ll learn three simple moves that make every single sales situation a lot more palatable (if you hate them), powerful (because you’ll more confidently articulate your value) and profitable (because you’ll close more opportunities!)
Whatever you do, be sure to know how to best articulate your true and unique value as you head into your next sales situation – because you’re worth it!