I promise to always speak to you like I do with my best friend, Kricket.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail through Bear Mountain with Kricket last October. I think she was putting on her bear face…
Whether you’re new to my world — or been following my shenanigans for awhile — I want to share something that might be important to you.
My Kricket Pledge
I’ll always be honest with you.
I’ll dare you to be honest with yourself.
I’ll treat you as a real human.
I’ll f*ck up. (Remember, I’m human too.)
If you’re within arm’s reach, I may steal your fries.
I’ll admit to stealing your fries.
I’ll ask a lot of questions.
I’ll cheer you on to be your best you.
I won’t use scarcity or panic — unless it’s for realz.
I’ll only make offers that’ll light a fire under your business.
And I’ll make those offers without using Bro’ Marketing™ tactics. (Ewwwww.)
I won’t print #FAKENEWS!
I’ll make you laugh out loud. Or at least smirk.
I’ll love you up. (Unless you’re an as*hole.)
* Hey, I warned you I’ll always shoot straight. Even if it stings. 😘
Welcome to a pretty good place to lighten the load on a journey that can be tough and isolating at times.
You can bust my chops if I break my Kricket Pledge.
And anytime you’ve got a question, problem or request — drop us a note and my team and I will always do our best to point you in the right direction.
I’m glad you’re here.

p.s. Yes, this message has been personally approved by Kricket.