Burn The Bullshit 

To Fire Up Your Business
You know by now the XY machine and Bro' Marketing™ aren't working for you or you wouldn't be here.
Whether you’re tired of being stuck at your current stage of business and not feeling as successful as you could be — or you've reached a new level of success and need that extra bit of *oomph* to slingshot to the next stage of profitable growth — you have one thing in common:
You're tired of pushing.
Before you read any further, let's make something perfectly clear:
Because that would be a Bro’ Marketing™ tactic — to promise you something for nothing. That’s just not how business works.
You know it. I know it. They know it.
And while there is nothing for free on this page, here’s the deal.
What would make the most impact right now is something that's 100% tailored to you and your business. Something that will transform your business from push-push-push — to puuuuuulll.
(Aaaaaah, yes. You can exhale now.)
My highly impactful Burn The Bullsh*t session is tailored 100% to you so you have access to the real world business practices that have helped women entrepreneurs clear their blocks, outperform their own best records and leverage custom strategies to quickly and consistently bring more money in the door.
There is no Bro’ Marketing™ here. This is strictly XO Flo territory; strategies that follow your intuition and that are unique to YOU and YOUR business.
But it won’t do you any good if you aren’t willing to bring 100% honesty and 100% follow-through to the custom business strategies that will make your business as valuable and visible as you’ve secretly (or not so secretly) dreamed about.

So with that said – let me jump in and share exactly what you're getting.
You’re about to get the ultimate business-boosting and stress-reducing session you’ve received in quite some time — because this is fully tailored to you and your unique set of circumstances.
There are three parts to your Burn The Bullsh*t session...
- 1Prior to our live session, you’ll do some guided introspection so that we know exactly where to start our conversation — without wasting a moment of our time together.
- 2We’ll begin our 60-Minute, In-Depth, Private Strategy Session by shining a light on the biggest blind spots that keep you in the same holding pattern — and then burning the bullsh*t with some straight talk and fresh perspective. I promise, it doesn't hurt.
- 3Then we'll craft the right strategy and outline the action steps for up-leveling your XO Economy™ business, regarding one or more of the following areas:
You’ll get personalized, LIVE, one-on-one, exclusive access to me via our ZOOM virtual meeting room by simply committing 60 minutes of your time to get this game changing business transformation session.
Not to mention, you’ll obviously get an audio recording of the session so you can refer to it as often as you’d like.
Here’s a peek into what others have gotten out of Burning their Bullsh*t:

This plan was worth a million dollars. Charge me more.
Jennifer Spivak | JenniferSpivak.comYou knew exactly how to stretch me to get inside of it. Deep bow of gratitude to you.
Lee Murphy-Wolf | LMW Group

Fabulous session. Filled with great tips and sage advice. Plus it “moved” and provided immediate value.
Jennifer Mirsky | Mirsky Digital
Burn The Bullsh*t isn’t just a business session full of strategies specifically matched to your business needs.
It's about moving from push to pull. And ditching your XY Di behaviors for XO Flo qualities. Which means creating the awareness — and practices — to eliminate future issues and habits that you’ll encounter as you continue to level up and expand your business growth.
You’re right if you’re thinking this is a lot of honest, straightforward strategies and tactics. And it’s stuff nobody else can share with you because nobody else is doing it. Because they're too busy Bro'ing.
If this sounds like the solution you’re searching for, I’d love nothing more than to serve you.
But it gets better because you’re also getting an extra bonus…
Burn The Bullshit sessions are typically $625 for one hour.
We can cover a lot of ground in that time. And this allows plenty of time to zero in on the biggest blocks and create a plan for the possibilities that will create the greatest impact and results for you.
But it’s likely there may be a few blocks that crop up along the way that you weren’t expecting.
For some, the $625 price tag might feel like a block.
So I’m taking that one step further and dropping the fee so that you don't let money stop you. Consider it my Women Business Owners Rock bonus.
If you’re like most of the women I serve, you’re never short of new ideas, dreams or desires. But don’t necessarily know what to pursue — or how best to prioritize. (Not to mention clearing another layer of bullsh*t that opens up the space to freely pursue it!)
In fact, Heather Dolland (remember her?) and I recently did a Burn The Bullsh*t session to craft her value stream (pricing, marketing, sales, etc) for a new training program she's creating for distilleries and liquor distributors. Her parting words were, "I am crystal clear. This is exactly what I needed. I feel empowered."
And after a long dry spell, Rachel easily closed a new prospect just a few hours after her BTB session.
This special will allow us to get down to business more quickly and address more of your dreams. And gives you the space to making your ideas and desires come to life.
If this sounds like the type of support you’re looking for, I’d love to jump into this with you! Book your session by clicking on one of the blue buttons you see on this page and enter promo code: "XO" to save $125 on your Burn The Bullsh*t session.
Your read that right! Get your session for just $500 by entering promo code: XO
Here's what to do next
Book your session by clicking the blue button below. (Remember to enter the XO promo code at checkout.)
As soon as you register, you’ll get an automated receipt, a link to my online calendar and your guided pre-work.
Once you book your appointment, you’ll get an email with instructions for how to access our private Zoom online conference room.
Our session will be recorded and sent to you within 24 hours of our session so you can return to the recording as many times as you wish. So often, we get new insight and nuggets with each playback — so having that reminder is invaluable. You can book your session below…
Oh, and in case you’re wondering…
“Carolyn, how could we possibly cover all these things in a 60 minute call?”
We’re ONLY going to focus on your most critical areas that need work.
Anyone who implies they can cover all those things with enough detail to give you any level of value…
… on a single call...
... is bullshitting you.
We see you Bro' Marketers™!
And none of us have time for those kind of games.
You and I, together, are simply going to zero-in on your biggest sticking points, go over a complete, custom, easy to implement strategy and then…
… you’ll be sent on your way with a recording of the call and plan of action.
You’re busy. I’m busy. And anyone who wants a profitable business doesn’t have time for drawn out strategy calls.
The only time you should spend more time on extended business development calls is when your business requires more attention over a lengthier period of time. Or when a strategy you are planning to implement requires you to have more guidance.
Luckily, that’s not up to me to decide if you need that…
… only you choose to decide to work further with me when you want.
My focus, OUR focus, is to get on the call, get clear on what you need to do next and get you to a place where you feel raring to move in the direction you know is right for you.
Sound good?
These are one-on-one, private sessions. And since there's only one of me, I only have time for doing so many BTB sessions. #because #time
If you can find 60 minutes in your schedule to break through to new possibilities and higher profits, I’d love to support you as long as long as there's a spot still available.
Fair enough?

I’m blown away by Carolyn’s knowledge on how to create a scalable business model, pricing and how to sell it. What I appreciate most about Carolyn is her ability to listen, quickly calculate what’s really going on – and provide practical solutions that work.
Angela Jia Kim | Savor The Success, Savor Spa & Savor BeautyCarolyn Herfurth has a lot of wisdom around this topic and what happens when you are over-or-under-priced. It is NOT just about raising your rates. Never believe a coach who tells you to “double your rates” without telling you why or guiding you in finding the right pricing for you.
Beth Grant | Creator of the Archetype Alignment™ Grid

Looking back 3 years later, if I had thought that from our first meeting I would be where I am today, I wouldn't have believed it. Whenever I go back to our notes, (and it is often) it amazes me that everything was so spot-on and that Carolyn saw the potential, long before I did. Thank you Carolyn!
Alana Langelotz | FounderArlan GroupJust 7 days after meeting with Carolyn, I signed a new client at twice what I had been charging and my income this quarter has been fantastic! Carolyn’s ability to size up my personal, financial and professional interests and see my real value. She refined and “re-valued” what I offer so that I know make more profit, feel more organized and do it with less stress.
Sara Blette | Make My Notebook & Necessary Spaces
Thanks for taking the time to read my point of view and what I stand for on your behalf in these crazy times of online marketing.
I get that it may sound slightly Bro-y by having to limit the number of sessions.
But I'm happily squeezing these sessions in between my private clients who have unlimited access to me — so I hope our timing clicks. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
And if you have a question about Burn the Bullsh*t sessions, go ahead and email me directly at carolyn at carolynherfurth dot com. I'll be happy to answer any questions you've got!

I now see how to expand my visibility to expand my reach beyond my network.
Vivan Garcia-Tunon | VGT Consulting GroupEven with a wait list and 100% closing rate, we weren’t making a profit. Carolyn changed the way I look at the value we deliver so we were able to adjust our prices to reflect it. Once I got that perspective – I couldn’t even imagine going back to the old way
Laurie Davis Edwards | eFlirt Expert, Author of Love @ First Click

I used to have really inconsistent sales conversion rates. As a result of Carolyn’s coaching, I had an epiphany that resulted in $16,000 of new business within one week and am now closing nearly twice the rate I did before working with her.
Laura Garnett | Garnett Consulting