Here’s a biz truth for you. If you think marketing alone will make your sales for you, think again.
There IS a difference between marketing and selling and don’t let anyone lead you to believe otherwise!
How do you answer the question, “what do you do?” Is your response memorized? Improvised? Clumsy? Smooth? Filled with benefits? Results? Features? Boring stuff? Bad breath? Questions? Provocation? Mystery? Clarity? Do tell!
You can’t be all things to all people. Many entrepreneurs resist this truth, however. This video talks about how getting really granular when defining your ideal client actually EXPANDS your potential for business.
Connecting is one of my passions. It conjures up thoughts of enjoyment, shared interests, laughter, interesting conversations and me out in the world being authentic. When I am connecting, I am not struggling for the “right” words. When I am […]
Think about your audience (aka target market or ideal client) and answer these questions: What pains do they have? What problems do you solve for them? What solutions do you offer to alleviate those pains? What goals might they have? […]
Biztruth #4 :: If you don’t have a handle on your numbers, it’s time to sharpen your pencil. You may need to replay this video a couple of times to get it…but it’ll be worth it. Especially if you follow […]
Biztruth #1 If you’re in business, you’re in sales. And if you’re in sales, you need to find ways to connect with prospects & strategic partners. Enter Bryn Johnson, Connection Expert. Bryn helps people figure out how to connect & […]
Nobody notices a good toupee. Only a bad one. The same goes for salespeople. Bad salespeople are easy to spot.
I saw Hugh MacLeod’s daily cartoon from Gaping Void this week. I just had to share it with you to tag onto my Me Me Me Me Me post from a couple of months ago…also included for you here. Click […]
If you missed the teleseminar that I had last night with Matthew Goldfarb, copy guy from Corporate Renegade, here’s your chance to learn the secrets he shared with me. Sales Page Convo w/Corporate Renegade, Matthew Goldfarb (audio) I like Matt’s […]