I love love love love love client strategy days.
(Did I mention I love them?) ❤️
Yesterday’s VIP is someone you’ve seen on The Today Show, Katie Couric and in the New York Times, to name a few.
There’s something so magical about doing strategic visioning with women like her who are already successful in their own right — and choosing to go beyond to pursue their next big thing.
Women who have “outgrown” certain aspects of their business and are reinventing and reimagining what the next evolution looks like.
Women who heal others through their own multiples of Awesome x Heart and are deeply committed to putting more of their good into the world on a grand scale.
All of these women are thought leaders who have the expertise to “be in the room where it happens” (nod to Lin.)
But… And… So…
Often, they don’t realize how ready and deserving they are to sit at the “big” table.
(Guys NEVER seem to have this problem.)
Until I’m able to piece things together and make a case for the full contribution they’re capable of. That moment of “Ohhhhhh, I see what you mean. Yes, ME.”
It gives me the chills. And then getting to create the strategy to make it happen is like the icing on top. It feels so so SO good to do this work.
Don’t underestimate yourself.
Don’t fear the in between.
Don’t play small.
And if you are, find someone who won’t.
Someone who will add lube so you can spread more of your good.
And who won’t put up with your bullsh*t excuses for staying where you are when you’re perfectly capable of more.
If you’d like a taste of what burning the bullsh*t to fire up your business feels like, be sure to click below to check this out!