An Entrepreneur’s Costly Profit #FAIL

Why packaging and pricing your services is a balancing act

It can be easy to sell a highly valuable package when you underprice because people immediately see the benefit.

Sure… your clients might be happy.

But that business model strategy doesn’t serve YOU.

Why facing this ONE thing is an absolute must

Are you being honest about whether you’re priced and packaged right so that you meet the financial goals you’ve declared for yourself?

Or are you letting Ego and Magical Thinking rule?

If you want to build a profitable business (and who doesn’t?!)…

You must dare to face your Truth.

How (and why) she earned 80% less than she should have

Watch this video so you can learn from someone else’s mistake…

Ready to get honest about your business model? Let’s talk. Shoot me a message at the link below:

Posted In: Business Model Design, Mindset & Priorities