Grab fear by the throat!


The truth is…fear makes you do some irrational, desperate things that ultimately sabotage your growth.

The business isn’t running on all cylinders. People aren’t lining up to hire us. Things feel off-kilter.

Low on time, money and patience…we begin to panic. And left unchecked, that fear drives irrational decisions. I know it sure has for me. It robs you of your creativity and joy. It stirs up an air of desperation that drives your prospects away.

You deserve better! 

Tune into how your fears color your actions and decisions – from how you approach your day, your prospects, your business, your clients, your life.

Is fear in charge of you? Or are you in charge of fear?

And the next time you’re faced with a decision, ask yourself if you’re making it from a place of wonder, curiosity and creativity… or a place of fear.

Dare to grab fear by the throat!

What’s your Truth & Dare on this topic? Comment below.

Posted In: Mindset & Priorities

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