Carolyn Herfurth | Business Coach for Women Business Owners | Burn the BS Podcast


If there was a cocktail menu made with EXPECTATIONS, you might find me drinking any one of them in a given year… Yep. I’ve been SHAKEN, STIRRED, UP and ON THE ROCKS.

And if you’ve ever set a big lofty goal and worked your ass off to make it happen — only to end up disappointed — be sure to tune into this episode where I dish on my bullshit around my expectations — and how I continue to burn the BS around this topic.

(It’s a process, Sister. 😘)

In this solo episode, I talk about…

  • even the tiniest expectations we have around things like ordering from Starbucks
  • my broken resolution to not give people the stink-eye on the subway 🙄
  • how setting goals f*cks up my mojo
  • the striving habit I needed to break up with
  • and what led to an expectation-free — or at least an expectation-less life that’s so much richer and meaningful than any goal could ever fulfill

Let’s burn some BS!  🔥🐃💩

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