I connected with one of my very first mastermind friends last week. We’ve known each other since our businesses were babies… over 17 years.
She was telling me about how her perfectly lined up 2020 keynote and travel schedule fell apart in a matter of days. Thanks, Pandemic.
So for the past few months, she’s been trying to figure out ways she can pivot. But finds she’s not interested in “efforting” or following through on any of those ideas right now.
She’d rather get her hands dirty in the garden. Or go for long walks with her dog.
(can you relate?!)
But when she’s not sitting in front of her screen, she feels guilty for not working “hard enough” to create new ways to replace her speaking income.
The next day, I spoke with another long-time friend and fellow business owner.
As an international event planner for executives, her business also *went poof* in a snap.
When I asked how she’s handling it, her response was, “I don’t want to even get near my computer because there’s really nothing I can do right now.”
And she has zero interest in changing her business model.
But what she added got my attention…
“I’m treating this as a time for regeneration.”
Amen to regeneration!
You see, we all need time to regenerate.
But if you’re constantly on the go… thinking, doing, pushing… but not resting… are you really doing yourself any favors?
Will what you create even feel true?
Or valued?
Take it from me… the answer is “no.”
I get it. Money is good for things. And for most of us, necessary.
But… so is regeneration.
That’s why, when I was talking with my keynote friend, I suggested she trust that pull. Let go of the guilt and fully enjoy her time in the garden.
Because that down time will put her in flow and generate ideas that “efforting” won’t deliver.
I know this first hand. Because last summer was a doozy for me.
My favorite Irishman landed in the hospital while I was out of the country. I had to chose to fly home early from my Barcelona trip to be with him.
But once he got out after 2 weeks, I had a hard time getting back to my “normal.”
I fought it for a while by “efforting.” I had to work!
But finally accepted that my body and spirit know better than my mind and dropped my resistance to rest and regeneration.
If I hadn’t spent most of my career working my ass off, I might have thought I was just being lazy. Or afraid of something I couldn’t name. But, no, that wasn’t the case.
It took a couple of months of chillaxing. Going with the flow. Taking 4 hour naps when I felt like it.
I only did things that lit me up — then BAM! ⚡️ All of the sudden I got my energy and mojo back and finished 2019 with a bang.
And *brag alert* the clients who hired me have been kicking some serious ass.
Carolyn has an excellent ability to see the opportunities and help you to execute them. I am able to grow by business in a way that I did not think was possible before. – Beth Hendler-Grunt, Next Great Step
Because my NEW restored energy matched the energy my ideal clients were looking for to grow their business.
But if I’d kept pushing myself and resisting the call to regenerate, my work and life would’ve suffered for much, much longer. My old, stuck energy would’ve pushed people away and I wouldn’t have a gnat’s tit chance to partner with the remarkable women who hire me.
So back to my keynote friend: Of course she had ideas for new ways to make money.
But where she got stuck was, “What do I pursue? How do I do this without burning myself out? Or feel like I’m selling out?”
By the end of our conversation, we made our way to the idea that lights (and lightens) her up. We formulated a strategy and pricing that will drive recurring revenue. And it’s something that appeals to her — and her audience.
And she can still garden to her heart’s content. 🥕🥬🍅🌽🥦❤️
We don’t need to effort.
(You may already know I’m not a “hustle your face off” type of gal because it only lasts so long before it backfires.)
But we do need to give ourselves the space and grace to regenerate. Even if it seems to last longer than you feel comfortable with.
So if these past few months have taken a bite out of your income — or your spirits — or your energy level — cut yourself some slack.
You’re regenerating.
And if you’re ready to get back in the game and would like a sounding board for the ideas you have brewing — but haven’t quite gelled how to act on them — get on my calendar for a SummerPop session to clear up any doubt about the next *effortless* step to take in your business. (Yay! They’re back!!! 💃🏼)