I picked up a friend in my favorite Irishman’s ruby red Ford F150 on Saturday. When I pulled up to her building (honking the horn as soon as I spotted her, just for giggles 😂), she hoisted herself into the passenger seat […]
I recently had a conversation with a beloved colleague about some changes she’s making to her business model. My Spidey sense prickled when she declared, “I need this next new business model to give me a big cash infusion this month […]
As business owners, an inherent part of our job description is figuring out how to defy gravity. As a client was packing up after her recent strategy intensive, we were chatting about some of the routines and rules we’ve created […]
(Pssssst… sometimes, getting it wrong can be the best thing to happen.) More than halfway through a recent 5.8 mile loop hike, there were no signs that our trail was turning back toward the car. Simple math made us suspect […]
Have you ever tried putting together an Instagram Story only to get pissed off?! ALL THE BUTTONS. WHERE DOES THIS STICKER EVEN GO?! I CAN’T RESIZE IT!! WHERE ARE MY DAMN READING GLASSES?? [looking at clock] “I’VE SPENT 25 MINUTES […]
I can be MISERABLE to travel with because I’m so go-go-go. I feel so bad for my favorite Irishman sometimes. Like last fall when we landed at Gatwick airport. I was so busy charging through, trying to catch the very […]
There’s a scene in “The Two Popes” where Cardinal Bergoglio tells Pope Benedict a story about two seminarians who like to smoke. The first one went to his spiritual director and asked if it’s permitted to smoke while praying. The […]
On Friday the 13th, a potential client turned the tables on me. At the end of our conversation, she asked, “how do you measure YOUR success, Carolyn?” And I instantly responded: By the success of my CLIENTS. But it’s not […]
I’m attached to certain things. My naps, for example. Or at least the OPPORTUNITY to take a nap. Because having “nap time” blocked off in my calendar every day helps me to show up as my best self for my […]
While my favorite Irishman and I were drinking beer with friends in Boston last weekend, I learned something that blew me away. There’s a brewery in Massachusetts called Tree House that charges $96 for a case of craft beer. One […]