If that’s not a Universal Law, it damn well should be. 😘 Problem is, it’s easy to skip that part about deciding to go after it. People look at me and think I’m so bold and badass and New York-y. But […]
When I lived in Minneapolis, I hosted outdoor movie parties in my back yard. You might be surprised by what you can do with a white king-size sheet stretched between volleyball poles, surround sound speakers from Craigslist and friends who […]
Few people understood my desire to walk away from my first business when I was a known thought leader banking multiple sixes a year. By all accounts, I was a success. (Unless you compare me to my old colleague Bruce Krebs, […]
Most business owners take a well-meaning stab at trying to guess their value — “I’ll price this at…*consults Magic Eight Ball*… $500?!” via GIPHY But the clammy, icky, nobody-loves-this-part truth is this: If you’re guessing, you’re already losing. Don’t throw […]
Stop trying to tune out your inner voice that’s rumbling,“It’s time for you to move on.” As I assess the themes and the wisdom bombs from the first dozen-ish episodes of my Burn The Bullsh*t podcast (what?! you’re not subscribed? […]
The singular reason behind the success of the top franchises of 2018 is undeniable. It’s a lead you can follow—but with less friction since you’re far more nimble than a 14,000 location (or 4, for that matter) behemoth! I’ve been out of […]
On my last trip down a digital rabbit hole, I found my very first blog from… (get this)… 2004. via GIPHY 37 posts. A not so great wall of words. And a grand total of 3 grainy pictures. 🙄 Fifteen years […]
Six years ago, I dramatically* confessed to my Mastermind group that something needed to change, but I didn’t know what was next. * Cue mascara face. Gasping for breath through snot inducing sobs. And a record setter on the “embarrassment […]
I know he meant well. But, sonafabitch, if it didn’t sting worse than a spider bite. And have you ever gotten a spider bite?!?! They hurt like a %&*^@#*&! “I can’t believe you put all that money into a beautiful […]
In 1994, Dr. Masuru Emoto had the idea to freeze water and observe it with a microscope. He used twice distilled water used in hospitals to run the experiments. The observation was done in various ways: By showing words to […]